Wednesday, December 26, 2012


The European Union is a key development partner to the government, national and grass root development organizations in Cameroon. A European Sub program for the Structuring of Civil Society in Cameroon (PASOC) which came to an end months ago, played a major role and impacted on the operations of many civil society organizations (CSOs) and networks in Cameroon. On the basis of these achievements and the challenges ahead of the already structured CSOs  and those not affected by PASOC, the EU saw the need to support CSOs in Cameroon through an intense regional actor-base focused approach towards ensuring proper links between citizen and public authorities. Certainly, there is a strong sense that increasing technical capacity of CSOs compounded with advocacy campaign packages will fulfill grassroots actions and further sustainable development pathways.  After the South West regional consultative meeting in Buea to launch PASC, another meeting at Fakoship Plaza, Buea gathered CSOs of the SW Region to cross-examine the different levels for support by PASC while also building in-roads towards corporate social responsibility.  On the 18 of August, CSOs once again united in Buea at MINEPAT conference Hall for an explanatory and clarification mission of first phase of PASC. This meeting achieved its objectives as given by the questions and answers that preceded the presentation of work program 1. At the end of the day, nearly all CSOs approved of the necessity of the explanatory and clarification meeting. Once the modalities for access to EU-PASC funds have been made known, CSOs will not have to doubt what is needed to be done. PASC is thus a great opportunity that has demonstrated uniqueness in its approach towards informing the target stakeholders.

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